Membership Information

Membership of AAUP shall consist of three categories:

Eligibility Criteria

Full Members
  • Any person who is a graduate of the University or has obtained a postgraduate qualification of the University
  • Any person who was a student of the Ceylon Medical College and has obtained the licentiate in Medicine & Surgery and/or licentiate in Dental Surgery shall be eligible to apply for full membership of the Association
  • An associate member who has been a member for a continuous period of three years shall be eligible on completion of such period, to apply for full membership of the Association
Associate Membership
  • Any past student of the University who is not a graduate of the University
  • Any graduate of a recognized university who is or has been a member of the academic or administrative or non-academic staff of the University
  • Any person who is or has been a Chancellor of the University
  • Any person who is or has been a member of the University Court or the University Council shall be eligible to apply for associate membership of the Association
Honorary Membership
  • Any person who is not eligible for full or associate membership but has rendered distinguished service to the University and/or to the Association
  • Any person who has been conferred a degree honoris causa by the University shall be eligible for honorary membership of the Association
Membership Fees
  • Associate Membership (per year) Rs. 500/=
  • Full Life Rs. 1500/=
  • Fee for Membership Card (Optional) Rs. 500/=

The fees can be payed by Money Order/Cheque/Bank Draft/Cash (Cheques payable to AAUP)