Donations for the Differently Abled Students at the Faculty of Arts
The World Disabled Day (WDD) was commemorated on 03 December 2019, with the participation of differently abled students studying at the Faculty of Arts, academics and other well - wishers. The program included several events; key note address by the Dean Faculty of Arts, Prof. O.G Dayaratne Banda, melodies by differently abled students, a presentation on music therapy by Dr. Leena Seneheweera, the Coordinator/ Special Needs Resource Centre (SNRC).
This event followed by a cash donation organized
by the Colombo Chapter/AAUP. Each one of
the 25 differently abled students present was given Rs. 3000.00 each. Several
Office bearers including the President, Colombo Chapter of the AAUP were
present at this event.