University Research Council

Resources : Hantana Vision

‘Hantana Vision’ is a biannual publication that features University research personnel, project groups who serve to bring the laboratory finding and cutting-edge research to the attention of the general public. The magazine includes articles in the forms of opinions, research briefs, research news and feature articles, which represent the multidisciplinary research that takes place in the University of Peradeniya.

Previous issues of the Research Magazines are available at here

Do not miss this amazing opportunity to have your work published in the upcoming issue!

Author Guidlines

Hantana Vision Reserach Magazine


The University of Peradeniya, being a pioneer in setting new frontiers for higher education and research, is pleased to announce its latest initiative, The University of Peradeniya research magazine. The Magazine which has been christened as the ‘Hantana Vision’ serves to present write ups on cutting edge research that is continuously taking place within the campus and immortalize them in a simple format that will be made available to the general public.

Article Types


General Instuctions

  1. First, select an appropriate article type (from the list given above). If you are planning to submit a Feature article, a Centerfold or a Young Researcher article, please contact the University Research Council ( or the Faculty representative before preparation of the article.
  2. Choose a catchy title for the article. Title must be concise and easily understandable.
  3. Prepare the article using simple language with minimum technical terms.
  4. Please submit the soft copies of the article to your Faculty Representative or directly to the University Research Council( )
  5. Select high quality photos (1024 x 768 or larger) and send them separately with the article as JPEG/PNG attachments.
  6. Give the full citation of the publications and the DOI link/links wherever applicable.
  7. Please provide your contact details.

    No conference papers will be accepted.

    Please note that the articles written by the same Author/Authors will not be published in consecutive issues of the Hantana Vision magazine. In case of receipt of such articles, The Editorial Board will consider them for a later issue of the Hantana Vision.