Success Stories
Automated Object Counting
Industrial partner: Brandix Lanka Ltd In mass production, garments are manufactured in batches. In producing such a batch, typically 30 – 50 items per batch, the number of components should be counted and issued currently per batch. In a typical work cycle, a large number of such batches are...read more →
Smart Abnormal Trend Analysis System (SATAS)
Industrial partner: DSP Construction & Engineering Works Pte.Ltd The operational process of SATAS Data Filtering Module (DFM) It is found that some dates have NULL entries or data corresponding to certain time slots are missing. Initially such instances are identified by DFM and filtered out on daily basis. Feature...read more →
Communication System for Remote Monitoring of Electric Three Wheeler
Industrial partner: LTL holdings Batteries in the swapping station will be used for two purposes: to power up E-Wheeler and to trade electricity with the grid EMS will predict the batteries required for the e-wheelers in the field & decide what amount of energy to be trade with the...read more →
Object Counting Algorithm to Count Stitches on Fabric
Industrial partner: MAS Active Trading Pte. Ltd The Stitches Per Inches (SPI) is a key quality figure in apparel industry Different speed of the machinists, variations in machine settings hinder getting SPI within acceptable limits. The usual practice is to find SPI manually on some randomly selected parts of...read more →