O - Oral Presentation, P - Poster presentation
Paper No | Topic | Presentation mode |
01 |
Role of Muslim women in decision-making: a case study |
O |
04 |
Influence of ethnicity on counseling in the divisional |
O |
08 |
Buddhist monastic architecture in ancient Sri Lanka |
O |
11 |
Attitudes of academic towards self- archiving: a situational |
O |
21 |
Use of library resources by the Humanities and Social |
O |
50 |
Misery in spite of happiness: critical problems of poverty |
O |
55 |
Issue of Pedophilia; is it a mental disorder or a sexual |
O |
67 |
Invasion of Alexander the great and the emergence of |
O |
71 |
Buddhist perspective on religiosity and spirituality as |
O |
81 |
Socio-legal analysis on the law that prevents abusive calls |
O |
110 |
Rearticulated caste identity in the context of war |
O |
119 |
Do university libraries in Sri Lanka use social media as a
O |
167 |
Examination of bibliographical standards followed by Sri |
O |
176 |
Duties of Parumuka in the stratified social set-up of pre-state era (A historical and archaeological study done in relation to pre brahmi inscriptions) |
O |
187 |
Criteria for evaluating good and bad |
O |
189 |
Investigative study on synonyms used to describe women |
P |
192 |
Protecting the protectors- broadening the definition of |
O |
239 |
Vulnerable situations of agency-hired casual workers in |
P |
244 |
Naming speed, phonological awareness and orthographic |
O |
275 |
Multifarious replicas in metacognition and mindfulness |
O |
306 |
War literature and comparative politics |
O |
313 |
A case study on the effectiveness of the process, services, |
O |
366 |
Knowledge on Foot and Mouth Disease among cattle and |
P |
382 |
Youth and social media: a study on the use of social media
O |
404 |
Relationship between anti-social behavior and stress |
O |
405 |
Sri Lankan IT executives insight towards emotional |
O |
417 |
Quest for reality- a preliminary study of platonic |
O |
430 |
Environmental sustainability, food security and food |
O |
435 |
Interactive multimedia drama to popularize the tea industry |
O |
452 |
Macro-scaffolding for learner autonomy in ESL learning |
O |
453 |
“To be or not to be: that is not the question”: a study of |
O |
477 |
Cicero on ageing gracefully: a modern reading of Cicero’s |
O |
478 |
Psycho-social analysis of parental influence on casual |
O |
502 |
National memory and digital platforms: imagining post |
O |
504 |
Effectiveness of social capital for the empowerment of |
O |
511 |
Different type of usages of the suffix ‘hu’ (yq) as a noun
O |
513 |
A medical sociological study on accessibility of health |
O |
514 |
Reading habits of undergraduates at South Eastern |
O |
519 |
Monologue to dialogue: changing role of female ex |
O |
536 |
A critical survey on the Cārucaryā with reference to its |
O |
537 |
A survey on internet use among university undergraduates |
O |
552 |
Managing solid waste in the University of Peradeniya: |
O |
557 |
Strategies adopted by a municipal council to obtain the |
O |
570 |
Preliminary Geo-archaeological study of Lunuhunugala |
O |