We are glad to inform you that, the certificate course in Human Rights- 2023 (1st batch) is going to start in the 08th July 2023.



Will be updated.


Certificate Course


This is a short term course consisting of forty eight hours of lectures conducted on eight consecutive Sundays

1. To provide a basic knowledge on international standards of human rights and the UN system on the protection of human rights

2. To provide a basic knowledge on fundamental rights and the rights protection mechanism in Sri Lanka

Course Content:

Introduction to human rights

Human Rights; the UN System

Fundamental rights in Sri Lanka

Fundamental rights protection mechanism in Sri Lanka

Individual rights: political and civil rights

Individual rights: economic, social and cultural rights

Group rights: Minority rights

Group rights: Women's rights

Group rights: Child rights

Group rights: Labour rights


Eligibility Criteria

1. Three passes in one sitting at the G.C.E. Advanced Level and one of the following:

( a ).  A member of an NGO engaged in the fields of Human Rights/ Community Development; or

 (b). An employee of public or private sector institution with two years service; or

 (c). An individual with proven track record or engaged in HR related community activities.

2. An internal student of the University of Peradeniya or any other university in Sri Lanka.

3. A member of an NGO with six passes in the GCE O/L and five years service experience in the NGO field.  

Diploma Programme


This is a nine month course consisting of 210 hours of lectures, seminars, group work, classroom and field activities, conducted on Saturdays

1. To provide a thorough knowledge on Human Rights principles and concepts, UN Human Rights standards, Regional systems of Human Rights and fundamental rights in Sri Lanka.

2. To provide practical experience related to various Human Rights aspects in Sri Lanka.


Course Structure:

The programme leading to the Diploma in Human Rights consists of:


HRD 1   Course Title: Human Rights: The conceptual and historical dimension

HRD 2   Human Rights: The international dimension

HRD 3    Human Rights and Fundamental Rights in Sri Lanka


HRD 4 Independent study

Part I: Research Methodology (14 Hours Lectures): Include Selection of subject areas; Retrieval of information; Preparation of proposal; Conducting of field study

Part II: Writing the report of approx. 8000 words. The students will be assigned to supervisors. Required minimum number of contact hours 20.

(C). OPTIONAL COURSES (Course Title: Issues in Human Rights)

The optional course consists of a programme of lectures, discussions and group work on four (04) themes to be selected by the candidates from a range of themes representing human rights issues of current relevance, identified separately for each academic session.  The course entails five (05) hours of lectures and ten (10) hours of class activities that include discussions, group work and a seminar in each of the selected themes. The candidates are required to do a case study on one of the four themes.

The themes identified for the optional course are given below: Minority rights; Women's rights; Child rights; Health and human rights; Labour rights; Rights of migrant workers; Consumer rights; Sexual rights; Conflicts and human rights; Environment and human rights; Rights of the disabled; Rights of the refugees and displaced persons; Patients Rights;

Eligibility Criteria

a ).  Individual Candidates

  i . has obtained a minimum of three passes in the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination in one sitting and proven experience in human rights related community activities.


ii.  has completed the Human Rights Certificate course offered by the Centre or an equivalent recognized by the Governing Board 

b). Institutional Candidates

i . Has obtained a minimum of three passes in the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination in one sitting and sponsored by an institution in need of trained staff in the field of human rights