Academic Establishment Division

The Academic Establishments Division is one of the most important Divisions in the University. The main function of the Division is to provide human resources for academic teaching purposes. Without a well qualified and experienced teaching staff, the University would not be able to achieve its objectives. Therefore, the Academic Establishment Division always makes every effort to recruit such qualified staff to the teaching community of the University.

This Division not only recruits teaching staff but also performs all functions necessary to promote them to higher grades. It also completes various tasks related to the payment of annual salary increments. The Division also takes action to grant the members of the Academic staff various types of leave they are entitled to.

In addition to performing the above functions, the Division is also responsible for advertising the academic cadre positions vacant in the Departments of different Faculties in the news papers as well as in the University website twice a year, i.e. in January and July.

Moreover, the Division maintains the personal files of the academic staff members and academic support staff. The Academic Establishments Division also updates information on approved cadre and making requests to the UGC for additional cadre positions are also done by

The following documents are available in this Division, and could also be downloaded from the website.

  • Leave Application
  • Application for vacant academic post
  • Circulars relevent to recruitment